Some of Our Programs

We offer numerous themes and formats for a wide variety of audiences (professional, clergy, lay, etc.).

All programs are created and presented by Nina Marie Corona, D.Min. A trained artist, Nina always includes music, images, & videos along with her lectures. She creates a spiritual space where attendees’ minds are enlightened, hearts are moved, & souls are awakened to hear & respond to god’s presence in their lives. Themes are always geared toward today’s challenges and practical tools are always offered. Most programs are available for in-person or online presentation.


Sowers of Hope

One of the great challenges and responsibilities of Christians is to be sowers of hope for others.

Throughout this program (3 talks), attendees will reflect on the many blessings and real challenges of fulfilling this obligation.


Hearts Open to God

Being open to receive all God wants to give us is an important part of our lives and our faith. This is the work of acceptance — being open to receive ourselves, others, sufferings, and so much more. Join us as we explore what our faith teaches us about acceptance and reflect on those things that may be blocking us from fully receiving God’s gifts. A series of 3-4 talks that is perfect for a day of reflection, a weekend retreat, parish mission, etc.


Jesus, Be Born in Me (Advent)

The Advent season is a time of waiting and preparation. Often, our focus tends to be outward on activities like decorating, attending functions, preparing meals, etc. When we focus instead on preparing for Christ’s Spirit to be born in us anew, Advent and Christmas come alive in meaningful and life-giving ways! This spiritual, inspiring, and moving Advent program also includes practical ways that we can prepare so that we may experience God’s love born anew in us this Christmas!

Comfort the Sorrowful

What does comfort look like? How do we give and receive it? What does our faith teach us about the comfort of God and comforting others? This program on the Spiritual Work of Mercy (Comforting the Sorrowful) explores the meaning of mercy and our obligation as Christians to perform these good works.


Tender Hearts and Humble Minds

This program explores NIna’s personal journey from a small business owner, to the seminary, university, and ultimately the founder of two ministries. It reinforces the Christian call to love and serve the poor and the outcast, with a focus on the prodigal sons and daughters who are impacted by the addiction and overdose epidemic.


We Thirst: Christian Reflections on Addiction

A 5-part comprehensive educational and inspirational program on addiction from a Catholic/Christian perspective. Each session is 2 hours and can be presented in various formats (over 5 weeks, 5 days, or a weekend). We Thirst has been bringing healing and hope to people around the world since 2015. It is now only available on video (no live sessions).

Choices: Hinges of Destiny

(A Journey of Discernment in the Footsteps of Christ)

The decisions that Jesus made at pivotal moments in his life reveal much to us about who he is and who we are called to be. During this program (3 talks), we walk closely alongside Jesus of Nazareth to learn from him how to choose wisely on the path towards authentic discipleship.


The Virtue of Hope

With modern access to news from every corner of the globe, we are too inundated with messages from around the world that can leave us feeling anxious, afraid, and even hopeless. Yet, our faith reminds us to “rejoice in hope” (Romans 12:12). This individual talk (1-hour) explores the virtue of hope in the context of our lives today.


Fixed on Christ


Our modern distractions can make it difficult to be focused on the true meaning of the Advent season. This program explores some of the biblical readings that are read during Mass throughout Advent. These readings are filled with holy wisdom and practical insights that can help us remain fixed on Christ, as we prepare for the celebration of his birth on Christmas, his coming to us in the Sacraments, and his second coming at the end of time.


Spiritual and Religious

Spirituality is sometimes misunderstood as being contrary to religion. However, spiritual experiences formed the foundations of religion. This program explores the nature of authentic Christian Spirituality and ways to feel more spiritual while practicing religion.


The Spirituality of Venerable Matt Talbot

Attendees will reflect on the faith journey and experiences of the Venerable Matt Talbot, an Irish Catholic whose faith saved him from alcoholism. Great for those struggling with or in recovery from addictions, but also appropriate for anyone seeking to draw nearer to God to combat vices and develop virtues.

The Real Presence: Why Your Mindset Matters

There’s some exciting research coming out of Stanford University’s Mind and Body Lab that might get you thinking in new ways about the Holy Eucharist and the Real Presence! This talk explores the current scientific research on mindset and the Church’s teachings on the Eucharist. We will reflect and consider why paying attention to our beliefs is important, and we will be inspired to be more active in “assenting to the divine truth” (CCC 155). This presentation is not just a talk! It includes music and videos for a thought-provoking and spiritually moving experience.

Masterpiece in the Making

The path to a holy life is filled with mistakes and corrections, much like a fine work of art. We will reflect on the disorder and imperfections of our lives and consider them as part of God’s creative process. We are not perfect yet, because we are God’s masterpieces in the making! This program includes 3 talks.


Peace is a Verb

This series of 3 talks explores the nature of peace and our call to be peacemakers. We will explore God’s call to us to find, pursue, nourish, protect, and cultivate peace in ourselves, our relationships, and in the world. Practical tools are always shared.

A Mindful Advent

(Yes, It’s Catholic!)

Mindfulness is simply paying attention to the present moment. It sounds simple, but it’s actually quite difficult, especially amid the hustle, bustle, noise, and endless distractions of the secular holiday season. This talk explores the basic concepts of mindfulness (awareness of God’s presence in the present moment) and provides practical tools to help attendees remain rooted in the present with God throughout Advent. It’s the best present of all.

Deep Prayer

We live in a world filled with distractions. From social media, to emails, texts, calls, signs, podcasts, televisions, and so much more. Research has shown that these seemingly harmless diversions are having a great impact on our ability to stay focused and accomplish deep work. Our prayer life is impacted in the same way. This talk explores the problem and proven prayer methods that will restore our ability to stay focused on God.


Fasting: Good for the

Body and the Soul

Modern scientific research proves the benefits of fasting for the body, and the Christian tradition has long promoted fasting as a discipline that is beneficial for the spiritual life. This talk explores the latest scientific research and the Church’s tradition.

Spiritual Competencies in Counseling (for Professionals)

This comprehensive course explores culture and worldview, counselor self-awareness, human and spiritual development, communication, assessment, and more. This course is intended for those in professional and/or ministerial positions.


Servant Leadership

Explore the true meaning of ministerial leadership and the characteristics and virtues of a servant leader.

Love Never Fails?

Saint Paul’s letter to the Corinthians (13:8) may have you a bit confused if you have a loved one who struggles with addiction. This talk compares Saint Paul’s wisdom to the latest research on how to most effectively respond to a loved ones addiction. Although it is designed for specific challenges of addiction, it is appropriate for anyone seeking to understand our Christian call to love, especially in relationships that are somewhat challenging.

The Holy Spirit

Confirmation, Pentecost, or any day of the year, the Holy Spirit is a topic that is sure to inspire your group!

Other Opportunities for Spiritual Growth

(for individuals and groups)


Evening Prayer via Zoom

Like our in-person programs, this Zoom service is a spiritual experience!

Advent Prayer Calendar

Inspiring. Fun. Transformative.